News and Announcements
English Skills Learning Center Annual Teaching Conference 2025
On March 8th, the English Skills Learning Center (ESLC) hosted their Annual Teaching Conference. This conference is a day of collaboration, inspiration, and growth as we explore innovative teaching strategies to empower learners in our community. This year's theme focused on Community Learning and Teaching Strategies with topics including emergent reader teaching strategies, multilevel instruction, citizenship pathways, digital skills, and more. Our very own Alumni, Katrina Rost MA, assisted in the planning of this impactful conference. Katrina has been working at the English Skills Learning Center for over a year as the Coordinator for the Workplace English Program, which partners with companies to provide English language instruction to existing employees. In her role, she coordinates all workplace programs, including communicating with partners, developing curricula, testing, and reporting. On top of that, she also teaches several of the workplace classes!
Linguistics Department Welcomes High School Students for The North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad’s Open Round (NACLO)
On January 23rd, the Linguistics Department hosted 20 high school students from Utah and Idaho as they competed in the North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad (NACLO).
Prof. Aniello De Santo at the LSA 2025
Aniello presented a talk at the Annual Meeting of the LSA, as part of a special session on "Computational Models of Learnability and Acquisition of Morphology and Phonology". The title of his talk was "Learnability insights from (and into) the TSL Neighborhood"
PhD Student Yan Shi Awarded Diversity Travel Fellowship to Present His Paper at the 49th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development
PhD student, Yan Shi, was awarded the Diversity Travel Fellowship by the organizing committee of the 49th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. This fellowship covered expenses (approximately $1300 USD) to present his research paper, co-authored with Xuan Wang, Na Gao, and Utako Minai, at the conference held from November 7th to 10th at Boston University in Boston, MA. Additionally, Yan was honored to be invited to the VIP dinner at the conference, attended by other awardees, members of the organizing committee, plenary speakers, and invited speakers.
New article by members of the Speech Acquisition Lab!
Congratulations to Shannon Barrios, Rachel Hayes-Harb and Joanne Moffatt on their new article titled, "Investigating Adult Learners' Perceptual and Phonolexical Representations of Novel Phonological Contrasts."
Aniello De Santo's co-authored article "The Problem-Ladenness of Theory" published in Computational Brain & Behavior
Daniel Levenstein, Aniello De Santo, Saskia Heijnen, M. Narayan, Freek Oude Maatman, Jonathan Rawski, and Cory Wright. The Problem-Ladenness of Theory. Computational Brain & Behavior (2024)
PhD Student Eunjin Lee Publishes Research Article in the 14th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Proceedings
Ph.D. student Eunjin Lee’s article “English Listeners’ Perception of Korean Laryngeal Contrasts Among Word-Initial Stops” was published in the 14th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching proceedings.
Aniello De Santo publishes article in Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience.
Aniello De Santo's article "Online evidence for pseudo-relative effects on Italian RC attachment resolution" co-authored with Dr. So Young Lee (Miami University) was published in the Journal Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience.
Congratulations Graduating Class 2024!
We are proud of our graduating graduate students! Matteo Fiorini PhD, Toochukwu Awolor MA, Olamide Ogundare MA, and Maryam Kinani MA
Computational Linguistics Group at SCiL 2024!
The Department's Computational Linguistics group will be well represented at this years' meeting of the Society for Computation in Linguistics (SCiL) with two talks and a poster! - Jacob Johnson, Aniello De Santo. "Online Learning of ITSL Grammars". - Satoru Ozaki (UMass Amherst), Aniello De Santo, Tal Linzen (NYU), Brian Dillon (UMass Amherst). "CCG parsing effort and surprisal jointly predict RT but underpredict garden-path effects". - Caleb Belth. "Meaning-Informed Low-Resource Segmentation of Agglutinative Morphology".
Prof. Aniello De Santo Publishes Two Co-Authored Articles
2024 Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America So Young Lee, Aniello De Santo "Exploring variation in English and Italian relative clause attachment: The role of coordination." Baggio, Giosuè, Aniello De Santo, and Nancy Abigail Nuñez. "Plausibility and Early Theory in Linguistics and Cognitive Science." Computational Brain & Behavior (2024): 1-13
PhD Candidate Ying Zhang Awarded Graduate Research Fellowship in L2 Pragmatics
Ying Zhang has been awarded a Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) for AY 2024-25! Zhang is a PhD candidate in the Department of Linguistics and her dissertation research focuses on L2 Pragmatics. GRFs are awarded by the graduate school and are highly competitive. Congratulations Ying!
Aniello De Santo at the 37th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP)!
Aniello will present two posters at HSP 2024: So Young Lee (Miami University) and Aniello De Santo. Evaluating the Limits of a Minimalist Grammar Parser on Korean Double Relative Clauses. Cassandra Jacobs (U. of Buffalo), Aniello De Santo, and Loïc Grobol (U. Paris Nanterre). Structural and Interpretative Factors in the Processing of Zeugma. HSP 2024 will be held May 16/18 at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Prof. Aniello De Santo Gave a Colloquium Talk Titled "What can Pseudo-relative clauses tell us about principles of parsing?" at Yale's Linguistics Department.
(Joint work with Dr. So Young Lee, Miami University)
Mohammed Al-Ariqy Granted the Steffensen Cannon Fellowship Extension for a Second Year.
The Steffensen Cannon fellowship is a prestigious award given to exceptional students in the field of humanities and education at the University of Utah. It typically supports graduate students in the later stages of their programs, allowing them to pursue research in their chosen area and complete their theses without the burden of employment. Congratulations!
Lex Putnam Selected For 1 of 2 Best in Humanities and Fine Arts Spring Symposium Poster Prizes
Lex Putnam's poster “Pre-Study Considerations: Quantifying Novel Slur Formation Through Textual Media Analysis”, the outcome of an UROP project with Aniello De Santo, has been selected for one of two Best in Humanities and Fine Arts Spring Symposium Poster Prizes! You can check out Lex's poster on Tuesday morning April 9th during the first poster session, and it will also be on display at the Marriott Library Level 1 classroom hallway, adjacent to the library café. Congratulations!
Congratulations MaryAnn Christison! 2024 recipient of the Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Distinguished Mentor Award.
The Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Distinguished Mentor Award honors the accomplishments of faculty who have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to the mentorship of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars throughout their professional training and in continuing, multifaceted partnerships. Distinguished Professor MaryAnn Christison has been mentoring graduate students in the Department of Linguistics, as well as in other departments in the College of Humanities, for more than 20 years. Join us in congratulating Dr. Christison on this award.
UofU Linguistics '97 Alumn Kathleen Klaiber Awarded College ESOL Professor of the Year by Statewide Professional Group
Kathleen Klaiber, graduated from the University of Utah, Department of Linguistics program in 1997, has been awarded College ESOL Professor of the Year by Statewide Professional Group 2023. "I dedicate this award to all of my mentors in the state of Utah, including my U professors, my former co-workers at the Guadalupe Schools and Salt Lake Community College, and especially to the late George Plautz, who supervised my practicum."
PhD Student Mohammed Al-Ariqy Presents at the International 2023 Western Conference on Linguistics
Mohammed Al-Ariqy PhD presented his work "Object Pronoun Alternation in Yemeni Taizzi Arabic" at the international 2023 Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL) held at California State University, Fresno, between 11-12 November.
PhD Student Mohammed Al-Ariqy Presents at Annual Meeting on Phonology and the 17th Arizona Linguistics Circle
Mohammed Al-Alriqy PhD presented his work 'Tri-consonantal Clusters in Qassimi Arabic: The case of definite determiners' at the Annual Meeting on Phonology held at Johns Hopkins University during October 20-22, and his other work 'Object Pronouns Alternation in Yemeni Taizzi Arabic' at the 17th Arizona Linguistics Circle held at The University of Arizona on October 27th.
Ying Zhang PhD Awarded 2023 Doctoral Dissertation Grant
The Department of Linguistics is pleased to announced that Ying Zhang, who is a PhD candidate, has been awarded a 2023 Doctoral Dissertation Grant (DDG) from The International Research Foundation (TIRF) The grant will support funding for her dissertation research on second language (L2) pragmatics titled, “The Effectiveness of Digital Gaming in Promoting Pragmatic Competence for L2 Learners in Rural China: A Mixed-Methods Study.” Please join us in congratulating Ying on this accomplishment!
Undergraduate research with Dr. Aniello De Santo in Fall 2023
Lex Putnam and Britta Bolander were selected for UROP scholarships for Fall 2023, mentored by Aniello De Santo.
Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar Eihab Abu-Rabiah's Paper presented at the 34th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition, the Institute of Linguistics, the University of Silesia, Poland Has Now Been Published
Where syntactic interference persists: The case of Hebrew written by native Arabic speakers
Undergraduate Student Britta Bolander to Present at 11th Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology Conference
Britta Bolander will present at the 11th Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology Conference, to be held at The University of Texas at Dallas May 23-25, 2023. The title of her talk is: Problematizing Machine Learning’s Cognitive Metaphor: Implications and Alternatives This talk is the outcome of Britta's Spring UROP project, co-mentored by Aniello De Santo and Joyce Havstad (Dept. of Philosophy).
The Mathematics of Language and Cognition Lab will be represented at this year's meeting of the Society for Computation in Linguistics with a talk and three posters!
- "Extending Finite-state Models of Reduplication to Tone in Thai". Casey David Miller, Aniello De Santo - "Evaluating a Phonotactic Learner for MITSL(2,2) Languages". Jacob Kyle Johnson, Aniello De Santo - "An MG Parsing View into the Processing of Subject and Object Relative Clauses in Basque". Matteo Fiorini, Jillian Chang, Aniello De Santo - "Processing French RCs with Postverbal Subjects in a Minimalist Parser".Daniel Del Valle, Aniello De Santo
Mohammed Al-Alriqy Awarded Steffensen Cannon Fellowship.
Ph.D Student Mohammed Al-Ariqy has been awarded the Steffensen Cannon Fellowship. This scholarship enables students to pursue excellence in their chosen fields of Education and Humanities, without the burden of employment.
2023 Linguistics Students Honored in The College of Humanities Outstanding Student Awards
Britta Bolander, Andrea Gutierrez, Jacob Johnson, Casey Miller, Sylvia Page, and Kelly Kendro will be honored with the inaugural 2023 Outstanding Student Awards in the Humanities during the College of Humanities Distinguished Alumni and Scholars Luncheon on May 4.
MA Student Kelly Kendro & Prof. Scott Jarvis Accepted Poster Presentation 45th Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society
Abstract titled "Lexical diversity across monolingual and multilingual populations", co-authored by Scott Jarvis and Kelly Kendro have been accepted for poster presentation at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society in Sydney, Australia (July 26-29, 2023).
MaryAnn Christison Receives University of Utah’s Prestigious Designation of Distinguished Professor of Linguistics.
Professor MaryAnn Christison was recommended by the Distinguished Professor Advisory Committee and approved by the Faculty Senate; the University’s Board of Trustees; Mitzi Montoya, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs; and President Taylor Randall. Professor Christison will be recognized for this honor at the University Commencement May 4, 2023 and the College of Humanities convocation on May 5, 2023. The rank of Distinguished Professor is a rare privilege that is reserved for selected faculty members whose achievements exemplify the highest goals of scholarship as demonstrated by the recognition accorded them by peers with national and international stature and whose record includes evidence of a high dedication to teaching as demonstrated by recognition accorded to them by students and/or colleagues.
Presentation Accepted for ICPhS In Prague.
MA student Kelly Kendro has been accepted to present at 20th International Conference of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) in Prague. Co-authored with Lorenzo García-Amaya and Nicholas Henriksen titled "Regional variation, articulation rate, and pausing patterns in three varieties of Spanish".
Mohammed Al-Ariqy has been selected for the 2023-2024 UofU University Teaching Assistantship (UTA).
He will work on designing and teaching a 'Structure of Arabic Language' course for the linguistics department during this academic year. Congratulations to Mohammed and his graduate mentor Aaron Kaplan on this great achievement!
The Department of Linguistics to present 3 posters at this year's meeting of the Human Sentence Processing Conference (HSP 2023)
Members of the Mathematics of Language and Cognition Lab will present three posters: - Cassandra Jacobs (U. of Buffalo), Aniello De Santo, Loïc Grobol (U. Paris Nanterre). "Online and offline processing in zeugma constructions is insensitive to argument order" - Matteo Fiorini, Jillian Chang (Great Neck South High School), Aniello De Santo. " A Minimalist Parsing Analysis of Subject/Object Asymmetries in Basque Relative Clauses" - Daniel Del Valle and Aniello De Santo. "A Minimalist approach to the processing of postverbal subjects in French relative clauses"
Melissa Mendelson Selected by U.S. Department of State for Prestigious English Language Specialist Project
The U.S. Department of State announced the selection of Melissa Mendelson of the University of Utah for an 11-week English Language Specialist project focusing on teacher training in L2 Methodology virtually for teachers in Türkiye. Mendelson is part of a select group, as her project is one of approximately 240 that the English Language Specialist Program supports each year.
Undergraduate Research With Dr. Aniello De Santo
2 presentations by undergraduate students participating in UROP and UCUR.
Linguistic Society of America 2023- Denver
3 Presentations by UofU Dept. of Linguistics PhD students Mohammed Al-Ariqy and Ahmen Alnuqaydan, with Dr. Aaron Kaplan
Congratulations Shantel on Receiving the Stellar Staff Award!
College of Humanities staff enjoyed each other’s company at Desert Edge at the staff social on 12/7. In between eats & drinks and a fun blind-date-with-a-book exchange, we acknowledged the four winners of the fall Stellar Staff Award. Our very own Shantel de Arraiz, Administrative Manager of the Department of Linguistics was 1 of 4 awarded. Shantel has worked for our department for roughly 18 years. Many students can speak to how amazing she is and how hard she works to support them. She such a joy to work with and is incredibly respectful to everyone she comes in contact with. Her support allows staff and faculty to complete their jobs. More than fifteen staff members throughout the College were thoughtfully nominated by their colleagues. Thank you to all who took the time to submit nominations, and to the entire staff for their support of the College.
Grad Student Irena Grunche-Tine MA Presents at 2 Conferences in November 2022
Graduate student Irena Grunche-Tine MA presents her project with Prof. Scott Jarvis titled "Language attrition in Macedonian learners of English living in the L1 setting"
Karen Marsh Schaeffer Selected by U.S. Department of State for Prestigious English Language Specialist Project
The U.S. Department of State announced the selection of Karen Marsh Schaeffer of University of Utah for a 6 month virtual English Language Specialist project focusing on student motivation and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in Russia at Dostoevsky Omsk State University. Marsh Schaeffer is part of a select group, as her project is one of approximately 240 that the English Language Specialist Program supports each year.
Mary Akbary, Kelly Kendro, Abby Almas, and Prof. Scott Jarvis Present At American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2023
Mary Akbary PhD, Kelly Kenro MA, Abby Almas, and Professor Scott Jarvis present their paper, "Extralinguistic markers of political affiliation: A corpus analysis of Parler and Twitter", at the AAAL Conference in Portland, Oregon, March 18-21 2023.
PhD Students, Mary Akbary and Leigh Anne Benzaia, Present At American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2023
PhD students Mary Akbary and Leigh Anne Benzaia present their paper, "Oral paraphrasing and elicited imitation as tests of listening comprehension in a legal context", at the AAAL Conference in Portland, Oregon, March 18-21 2023.
Mohammed Al-Alriqy Presents at 16th Arizona Linguistics Circle (ALC16)
PhD student Mohammed Al-Alriqy will be presenting at the 16th Arizona Linguistics Circle (ALC16). ALC16 is to be held at the University of Arizona in Tucson, October 21st-22nd. The title of his paper is "Definite Determiners in Arabic: Understudied Cases".
Grad Student Irena Grunche-Tine MA Presents at ALC 16
Irena will be presenting at the 16th Arizona Linguistics Circle (ALC 16) , University of Arizona October 21 - 22 2022. Her talk is titled "Language Attrition in Macedonian Learners of English living in the L1 setting".
Matteo Fiorini to Present at Two Virtual Upcoming Events
PhD student, Matteo Fiorini, will be presenting virtually at two upcoming events.
Mohammed Al-Alriqy Presents at UCLA Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP)
PhD student Mohammed Al-Alriqy will be presenting at the Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP) which was founded in 2013, is held every Fall, and showcases high quality research in all areas of phonology. AMP22 is to be held at UCLA this year, October 21-23.
Matteo Fiorini 2 Upcoming Events
PhD student, Matteo Fiorini, to present at 2 upcoming events this Fall.
Kendro, Akbary, & Jarvis Poster Presentation HDLSC Nov 2022
Kelly Kendro MA, Mary Akbary PhD, and Prof. Scott Jarvis have been accepted to present abstract entitled "Internet-influenced shifts in compound word formation and usage frequency" at the 15th biennial High Desert Linguistics Society Conference November 1
Grad Student Irena Grunche-Tine MA Participates in SRL
Irena participated in the 49th Summer Research Laboratory (SRL) program on Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia, at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign as an associate (June 13 - August 7). During this time she also presented her research in progress at the first Lightning Lab session on June 29th. The research Irena presented was on "Manner/Path typology of Macedonian motion verbs."
Seung Kyung Appointed Career-Line Faculty
Congratulations Dr. Seung Kyung on becoming Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Aniello De Santo Joint Presentation SIGMORPHON
Aniello De Santo presented a joint talk with Dr. Mai Ha Vu (University of Oslo) and Dr. Hossep Dolatian (Stony Brook University) at the 19th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology.
Mohammed Al-Alriqy Presents Paper at MFM29
PhD student Mohammed Al-Alriqy presented his paper "The Definite Determiners in Yemeni Tihami Arabic" at the 29th Manchester Phonology Meeting (mfm29) held between May 25-27.
Congratulations Shannon!
Congratulations Shannon on earning your tenure and becoming an Associate Professor.
Linguistics Undergraduate Students Elected Into Phi Betta Kappa
Linguistics Undergraduate Students, Emma Farnsworth and Gregory Beardsley, elected into Phi Betta Kappa Society.
Mohammed Al-Ariqy presented at the Northwest Linguistics Conference
Mohammed Al-Ariqy presented at the 38th Northwest Linguistics Conference
Matteo Fiorini presented at Northwest Linguistics Conference.
Matteo Fiorini presented at 38th Annual Northwest Linguistics Conference.
Congratulaions, Maridon!
Maridon successfully defends her MA thesis. Congratulations, Maridon!
Congratulations Kelly and Yan!
Grad Students earn Research Mentoring Certificate.
Kelly Kendro to present at LabPhon 18
Kelly Kendro to present poster with colleagues at LabPhon 18 in June 2022.
Dori Huang Research Award
Dori Huang has been awarded the 2022 NFMLTA-NOLCTL Research Award.
Aniello De Santo presents at Two Conferences
Aniello presented at two different conferences with Dr. So Young Lee.
Matteo presenting at multiple events
Matteo will presenting at multiple events over the spring semester.
Ed Rubin recognized in Italian newspaper
Italian newspaper publishes a piece featuring U of U Department of Linguistics Professor Ed Rubin.
Matteo to Present at ICHL 25
Matteo will be presenting at the International Conference on Historical Linguistics 2022 at the University of Oxford.
Matteo to Present at UNC Colloquium
Matteo will be presenting at the UNC Linguistics Spring Colloquium 2022.
Aniello De Santo publishes Chapter
Aniello De Santo published a chapter in the Handbook of Cognitive Mathematics
Kelly Kendro publishes in Cognition
Kelly Kendro publishes a co-authored article in Cognition.
Aniello De Santo presents at SCiL
Dr Aniello De Santo presented at the SCiL meeting with Dr. So Young Lee.
Linguistics alumni receives NHSC scholarship
Linguistics Alumni Tyler Laws-Mahe has received the National Health Service Corps scholarship.
Mohammed Al-Ariqy to present at symposium
Mohammed Al-Ariqy will present at the 35th Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics.
Aniello de Santo publishes in Linque e Linguaggio
Aniello de Santo publishes an article in the Journal "Linque e Linguaggio" titled "Italian postverbal subjects from a minimalist parsing perspective".
Utah well represented at LSA 2022
Utah Linguistics well represented and LSA 2022 by both faculty and graduate students.
Aaron Kaplan Publishes in Language Journal
Aaron Kaplan publishes an article in the LSA journal Language.
Matteo Fiorini presented at LDLT6
Matteo Fiorini presented at Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 6 Conference on December 16th-18th.
Mohammed Al-Ariqy recipient of CEDL Grant
Mohammed Al-Ariqy recipient of 2022 CEDL grant.
Dori Huang to present at 8th NCDLI
Dori Huang will present two papers at the 8th International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education on March 2-5, 2022.
Dr. De Santo to present at NELS 52
Aniello De Santo will present a poster a NELS 52 on October 29 to 31, 2021.
Mohammed Al-Ariqy to present at WECOL 21
Mohammed will present at WECOL 21 hosted by California State University, Fresno on November 13-14.
Mohammed and Matteo to present at LSA 2022
Mohammed and Matteo to present at the 96th annual Linguistics Society of America in Washington DC.
Karen Marsh Schaeffer accepted to The New Leadership Academy Fellows Program
Karen Marsh Schaeffer accepted to The New Leadership Academy Fellows Program
Dr. De Santo Co-authors Paper
Dr. Aniello De Santo has co-authored a paper which is now published in Knowledge Based Systems.
Dr. De Santo Presented at the 18th SIGMORPHON Workshop.
Aniello De Santo presented at the 18th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Phonology, Morphology, and Phonetics, virtually on August 5, 2021.
Dr. Barrios and Dr. Hayes-Harb publish article.
Shannon Barrios and Rachel Hayes-Harb publish article in special issue of Frontiers in Communication: Language Sciences
Dr. Barrios and Dr. Hayes-Harb present at 12th Annual PSLLT
Shannon Barrios and Rachel Hayes-Harb present at the 12th Annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching!
Dr. Jarvis presents plenary at RéAL2
Dr. Scott Jarvis presents a plenary at the RéAL2 conference in Toulouse, France.
Dr. Slade publishes a chapter in Verb-Verb Complexes in Asian-Languages.
Dr. Benjamin Slade recently published "Development of verb-verb complexes in Indo-Aryan" in _ Verb-Verb Complexes in Asian Languages_ edited by Taro Kageyama, Peter E. Hook, & Prashant Pardeshi. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Dr. Rachel Hayes-Harb and Dr. Shannon Barrios co-author publication.
Dr. Rachel Hayes-Harb and Dr. Shannon Barrios co-author and open-access publication: The influence of orthography in second language phonological acquisition.
Mohammed Al-Ariqy and Professor Aaron Kaplan Present at Conference
Mohammed Al-Ariqy, a PhD student and Dr. Aaron Kaplan each presented at The 28th Manchester Phonology Meeting in May.
Dr. MaryAnn Christison Publishes
Dr. MaryAnn Christison publishes in CALL theory.
Dr. MaryAnn Christison presents at the MoMM 2021 Conference
Dr. MaryAnn Christison presents at the MOMM 2021 Conference and more.
Dijana Trajchevska Successfully Defends MA Thesis
Congratulations, Dijana, for successfully defending your MA thesis.
Dr. Watzinger-Tharp Publishes Article
Dr. Johanna Watzinger-Tharp and co-authors publish article in Modern Language Journal (MLJ)
Dr. Jarvis receives 2021 Research Article Award
Dr. Scott Jarvis, along with colleagues, is awarded the 2021 AAAL Research Article Award.
Dr. De Santo Presents at SCiL 2021
Dr. De Santo virtually presents a talk and a poster.
Matteo Fiorini Publishes Paper
Ph.D Student Matteo Fiorini's paper has been published in the Proceedings of the Thirty-first Western Conference on Linguistics Volume 25 - WECOL 2019
Matteo Fiorini Presents Poster at ConSOLE29
Matteo Fiorini Presents Poster at ConSOLE29
Dr. De Santo Publishes Article
Dr. Aniello De Santo publishes article in IEEE Transactions on Computers.
Linguistics Students present at 2020 Research Reproducibility Conference
Linguistics Students present at 2020 Research Reproducibility Conference
Professor Jarvis Publishes an Article
Professor Jarvis Publishes an Article
Matteo Fiorini to present at StuTS
Matteo to present “A cross-linguistic analysis of semantic features of Italian poi; and German doch.
De Santo Invited Talk
Yale's Friday Lunch Talk Series
Dr. Jarvis Publishes Chapter
Dr. Jarvis Publishes Chapter
Dr. De Santo Presents at ILST Virtual Seminar
Dr. De Santo Presents at ILST Virtual Seminar
Amber and Karen to present at AAC&U 2020 Virtual Conference
Amber Christensen and Karen Marsh Schaeffer presented their work with the GLAD grant at the “Multilingualism, Language Acquisition, and Global Learning Outcomes” discussion panel at AAC&U 2020 Virtual Conference.
Dr. De Santo to present at DEXA2020
Dr. De Santo will present a joint paper at the 2020 International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA2020), held virtually September 14-17
Second Language Research & Practice Call for Papers
We are now accepting submissions for Volume 2, to appear in Fall 2021. Research articles and reports received by January 15, 2021 will be considered for publication in this volume. Submission details are available at
Dr. Slade Oxford Encyclopedia Contribution
Dr. Benjamin Slade contributes "Verb Concatenation in Asian Linguistics" in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics
Csirmaz and Slade Publish Paper in Approaches to Hungarian
Csirmaz, Aniko & Slade, Benjamin. "Anatomy of Hungarian aspectual particles" in Approaches to Hungarian: Volume 16: Papers from the 2017 Budapest Conference.
Justin Nistler is Advisor of the Month!
The Department of Linguistics is happy to announce that our Undergraduate Advisor, Justin Nistler, was selected by his peers as Advisor of the month!
Department Chair Scott Jarvis elected to become the next Treasurer of AAAL
The Department of Linguistics is proud to recognize Professor Scott Jarvis, recently elected Treasurer, American Association for Applied Linguistics!
Daniel Razo Successfully Defends MA Thesis
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Daniel Razo for successfully defending his MA thesis: Spanish Adverbials: Scales and Repetition
Rachel Hayes Harb completed the prestigious Utah Women’s Leadership Exchange (UWLE) Program
The Department of Linguistics congratulates Rachel Hayes-Harb on completing the Utah Women’s Leadership Exchange (UWLE) Program.
Daniel Razo to Defend MA Thesis
The Department of Linguistics is proud to present Thesis Defense by MA student Daniel Razo.
New Publication from Professors Shannon Barrios and Rachel Hayes-Harb!
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Professors Shannon Barrios and Rachel Hayes-Harb on a new publication in the Cambridge University Press!
Austin Tracy Successfully Defends MA Thesis
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Tracy Austin for successfully defending his MA thesis: Looking for the Essence of Lexical Diversity
Brendan Terry Successfully Defends MA Thesis
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Brendan Terry for successfully defending his MA thesis: An Approach to Embedding Pronunciation Instruction Into an Intermediate-High Level ESL Content-Based Instruction Course.
Austin Tracy to defend MA Thesis!
The Department of Linguistics is proud to present Thesis Defense by MA student Austin Tracy.
Department Faculty Awarded Tenure
University of Utah President Ruth Watkins has officially announced that Ben Slade has been awarded tenure and promoted to the rank of Associate Professor. Congratulations, Ben!
Undergraduate Research Symposium
The Department of Linguistics is proud to recognize Hallie Allan, Mckenzie Cowan, Lindsi Burr, Frances Hina Goldsmith, Maison Evensen, Caiti Hunting, and Julia Vonessen for participating in the Undergraduate Research Symposium!
Jarem Saunders Receives Scholarship Renewal
The Department of Linguistics is proud to announce the renewal of the Steffensen Cannon Award for undergraduate student Jarem Saunders.
Brendan Terry to defend MA Thesis!
The Department of Linguistics is proud to present Thesis Defense by MA student Brendan Terry.
Department Alumni Accepted to Medical School
Linguistics Alumni Tyler Laws-Mahe was recently accepted to the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine program at California Health Sciences University!
Dr. Aniello de Santo joins the Department of Linguistics!
The Department of Linguistics is excited to announce that Aniello De Santo will be joining us as a tenure-line faculty member. Dr. De Santos will be teaching Graduate Syntax in Fall 2020 and Computational Linguistics in Spring 2021. We are looking forward to having him be part of our Department.
Dr. Kaplan invited to give talk at UC Santa Cruz
Department of Linguistics Faculty Dr. Aaron Kaplan was invited to give the talk: "Harmonic Bounding in (Noisy) Harmonic Grammar" at UC Santa Cruz where he reconnected with department alumn, Mykel Brinkerhoff.
New Publication from Department Chair Scott Jarvis
The Department of Linguistics congratulates Professor Scott Jarvis for his new co-authored Journal article titled “An illusion of understanding: How native and non-native speakers of English understand (and misunderstand) their Miranda rights”
Dr. Aaron Kaplan has been granted a year-long sabbatical
Dr. Kaplan will return after the 2020-2021 academic year.
Linguistics Faculty members receive Dee Grant!
Congratulations to MaryAnn Christison, Karen Marsh-Shaeffer, Amber Christensen, Melissa Mendelson, and Vicky Wason! These faculty members are the recipients of a Dee Grant from Thomas D. Dee II Endowment.
New Publication from Professor MaryAnn Christison
The Department of Linguistics congratulates Professor MaryAnn Christison for her new publication titled, “The Odyssey of Professional Excellence and Quality Assurance in TESOL”
Professors MaryAnn Christison and Scott Jarvis receive Research Incentive Seed Grant
The Department of Linguistics congratulates Professors MaryAnn Christison and Scott Jarvis on receiving a Research Incentive Seed Grant from the Office of the Vice President of Research and the College of Humanities for 2020-21.
Academic Advisor Justin Nistler Receives Fall 2019 Stellar Staff Award!
This award is given to a staff member who is nominated by any staff in humanities and is then voted upon by the Humanities staff council.
Professor MaryAnn Christison Invited to Lecture at Norwegian University
The Department of Linguistics would like to recognize Professor MaryAnn Christison, who was invited by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway to deliver a lecture for the Teacher Education Department.
Eve Olson Honors Thesis-Based Article
The Department of Linguistics is proud to recognize Eve Olson's Honors thesis-based Article
Ph.D. Student Matteo Fiorini to Present at the Western Conference on LInguistics!
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Matteo Fiorini on receiving department travel funding to present at the Western Conference on Linguistics in Fresno, California in November 2019.
MA student Daniel Razo to present at Linguistics Event!
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Graduate Student Daniel Razo for receiving travel funding to present at the 48th Meeting of the Linguistics Association of the Southwest in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Linguistics Students Receive Travel Grants to Attend Conference
The Department of Linguistics is proud to recognize students Caitlin Hunting, Maison Evensen, Cailey Lloyd, and Julia Vonnessen on being awarded travel grants to attend The Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching (PSLLT) Conference in Northern Arizona.
Linguistics Student Caitlin Hunting receives Travel Grant!
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate student Caitlin Hunting on receiving travel funding from the Office of Undergraduate Research to attend the PSLLT Conference!
New Chapter Publication by Dept. Chair Scott Jarvis
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Dept. Chair Scott Jarvis for his new publication chapter titled "Native language identification by human judges" in a new book titled Cross-Linguistic Influence: From Empirical Evidence to Classroom Practice.
New Publication by Professor Scott Jarvis
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Department Chair Scott Jarvis in publishing a chapter titled "Lexical Attrition" in The Oxford Handbook of Language Attrition.
Dr. Benjamin Slade Publishes Article
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Faculty Benjamin Slade in publishing article: "Quantifier particle environments"
Professor Ed Rubin Selected for Award
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Professor Rubin in being selected to receive the 2019 Distinguished Service in the Humanities Award!
Students Maison and Cailey Receive Travel Grants
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Maison Evensen and Cailey Lloyd on receiving travel grants from the Office of Undergraduate Research.
New publication by Rachel Hayes-Harb and Shannon Barrios
Department of Linguistics Faculty publish: Investigating the phonological content of learners’ “fuzzy” lexical representation for new L2 words, in the Proceedings of the 10th PSLLT.
Ed Rubin Receives Kickstart Grant
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Edward Rubin on being awarded the Kickstart Grant!
Department Faculty Receive Kickstart Grant
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Faculty members Rachel Hayes-Harb and Shannon Barrios who were awarded the Kickstarted Grant by the College of Humanities!
Department Chair Scott Jarvis Receives Honorary Doctorate
The Linguistics Department would like to congratulate Scott Jarvis on receiving an Honorary Doctorate from University of Jyväskylä in Finland!
Tavish Hathale Receives the Linguistics Department Scholarship
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Tavish Hathale who has been awarded the Linguistics Department Scholarship for the 2019-20 academic year!
Hallie Allan Receives the Cathy Miller Horiuchi Scholarship
Congratulations to Hallie Allan who was granted the Cathy Miller Horiuchi Scholarship for the 2019-20 academic year!
Linguistics Undergraduate Student Receives Scholarship
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Sarah McDowell on receiving the Nanieve G. Momberger Scholarship. Congratulations, Sarah!
Linguistics Student Receives Undergraduate Steffensen Cannon Award
Linguistics student, Jarem Saunders, had the honor of receiving one of the Undergraduate Steffensen Cannon Awards this year. The Department of Linguistics is so proud of our undergraduate students and all their hard work!
Research articles and a book chapter published by Professor MaryAnn Christison
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Professor MaryAnn Christison on her recent publications. The first publication is in the Journal of Second Language Teaching and Research.
Article Published by Professor Scott Jarvis in Finnish Journal Virittäjä
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Professor Scott Jarvis on his recent publication in the Finnish Journal, Virittäjä!
Linguistics Undergraduate Student Selected to Participate in SPUR
Congratulations to Billy Finlay who has been selected to participate in the Summer Program of Undergraduate Research (SPUR) 2019!
Article by Speech Acquisition Lab Published in Journal of Second Language Pronunciation
We would like to congratulate the Speech Acquisition Lab for their recent article which was published in the Journal of Second Language Pronunciation.
Dr. Benjamin Slade Awarded Research Incentive Seed Grant
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Benjamin Slade for being selected by the College and the VPR Office to be awarded the Research Incentive Seed Grant. Congratulations, Ben!
Book Chapter by Scott Jarvis Published
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Professor Scott Jarvis on the publication of his book chapter!
TESOL Team Awarded GLAD Grant
We would like to congratulate our TESOL Team from the Department of Linguistics on being awarded the Global Learning Across the Disciplines (GLAD) Grant for a project titled, "Implementing Global Learning Outcomes into a TESOL Certificate Program." The Principal Investigator for the grant is MaryAnn Christison, and additional team members are, in alphabetical order, Amber Christensen, Karen Marsh-Schaeffer, Melissa Mendelson, and Vicky Wason.
West High School Student Josephine Holubkov Qualifies for NACLO Invitational Round
West High School student Josephine Holubkov has once again qualified for the invitational round of the North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad that was hosted at the University of Utah on January 24th.
Aaron Kaplan receives 2019 Ramona W. Cannon Award for Teaching Excellence in the Humanities
The Department of Linguistics is extremely pleased to announce that Professor Aaron Kaplan has received the 2019 Ramona W. Cannon Award for Teaching Excellence in the Humanities. The award will be presented at this year's College of Humanities Convocation on Friday, May 3, 2019. Congratulations, Aaron!
Aaron Kaplan Publishes Paper in the Journal of Linguistics
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Aaron Kaplan and Miranda McCarvel on their paper which was published in the Journal of Linguistics!
Linguistics Students Chosen for Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
Congratulations to undergraduate Linguistics majors Julia Vonessen, Billy Finlay, & Tyler Laws who have been selected for participation in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program for the Spring 2019 semester!
Professor Benjamin Slade Receives URC Fellowship
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Professor Benjamin Slade on receiving the URC Fellowship Grant for 2019 to pursue his research paper. Congratulations!
Aaron Kaplan Awarded Travel and Research Grant
The Department of Linguistics is excited to announce that Professor Aaron Kaplan has been awared the International Travel and Research Grant from the College of Humanites. Congratulations!
LCU Meeting with Ruth Watkins a Success
Newly inaugurated president Ruth Watkins met with linguistic club students to tell them how she went from discovering linguistics in college to becoming the president of the University of Utah. A student asked about studying a major when it doesn’t lead to one specific career and you may not know what path it will take?
New Publication by Professor Slade
The Department on Linguistics congratulates Professor Benjamin Slade on his new publication in the Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages. Below you can find a short description on his publication as well as a link to view more. Congratulations Professor Slade!
The Speech Acquisition Lab Well Represented at the PSLLT Conference
The Speech Acquisition Lab was well represented at the Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching conference in Ames, Iowa on Sept 8th and 9th.
Fall 2018 Newsletter Published
The Department of Linguistics is excited to send out the published Fall 2018 Newsletter. We have many great spotlights in this article including two of our recent graduates along with two alumni students. Included is also a message from our Department Chair, Scott Jarvis
New Article Published by Johanna Watzinger-Tharp
The Department of Linguistics is proud to announce that Johanna Watzinger-Tharp has published an article titled, "Linguistic performance of dual language immersion students."
Linguistic Student Becomes UROP Scholar this Semester
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Julia Vonessen on becoming the UROP Scholar for the Fall semester 2018. Julia's project is titled, "The impact of listener attitudes on the comprehension of nonnative-accented speech." Below is a short paragraph explaining the current project that she is working on.
Linguistics Undergrads Present at University of Utah Research Reproducibility Conference
These students presented their replications studies that they developed in Professor Rachel Hayes-Harb's Seminar course.
Dr. Kaplan Awarded Tenure and Promoted to Associate Professor
The Department of Linguistics would like to congratulate Dr. Aaron Kaplan on this great success!
Miranda McCarvel Accepts Position at Smith College
The Department of Linguistics is excited to congratulate Miranda McCarvel on her now position at Smith College at the Jacobson Center for Writing, Teaching and Learning and the Department of Education and Child Studies.
Aaron Kaplan publishes paper in the Journal, Phonology
The title of his paper is called, "Positional licensing, asymmetric trade-offs and gradient constraints in Harmonic Grammar".
Cate Showalter, PhD Graduate, accepts position at Northeastern University
The Department of Linguistics is excited to announce that Cate Showalter, recent PhD graduate, has accepted a position as an Assistant Teaching Professor in the College of Professional Studies at Northeastern University.
Amber Christensen Selected to Participate in Global Learning Retreat
Amber Christensen was selected to participate in The University of Utah Global Learning Retreat
Watch the Language and Law Forum Online
If you were unable to attend or watch the live stream of the Language and Law Forum you have another chance to watch it!
Taylor Anne Barriuso Successfully Defends her Dissertation
The Department of Linguistics is very proud of her and all the hard work that she has put in over the last several years.
Braden and Christison publish language socialization research
Professor MaryAnn Christison published a new article featuring language socialization research.
Linguistic Students Present at Undergraduate Research Symposium 2018
We are proud of all the Linguistics students who presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium this year!
Taylor Anne Barriuso, Rachel Hayes-Harb Publish New Article
Taylor Anne Barriuso with Rachel Hayes-Harb published an article titled, "High variability phonetic training as a bridge from research to practice."
Joselyn Rodriguez presents ongoing research at NCUR 2018
Linguistics undergraduate and Speech Acquisition Lab member Joselyn Rodriguez presented her undergraduate research project.