Undergraduate Research in Linguistics
Collaborate with Linguistics faculty on cutting-edge research in Linguistics!
To get started, make an appointment with the Undergraduate Research Advisor in the Office of Undergraduate Research.
Linguistics Undergraduate Student Research - 2023
Casey Miller
Faculty Mentor: Aniello De Santo
Mathematical Models of Tone in Thai Reduplication Patterns
Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2023
Jacob Johnson
Faculty Mentor: Aniello De Santo
Tool-Assisted Induction of Multiple-Input Tier-Based Strictly Local Languages
Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2023
Hallie Allan
Faculty Mentor: Aniko Csirmaz
Noun Incorporation in Crow: An Assessment of Various Approaches
Undergraduate Research Symposium 2020
Mckenzie Cowan, Lindsi Burr, Frances Hina Goldsmith
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Intelligibility, Comprehencibility, and Accentedness in L2 Speech
Undergraduate Research Symposium 2020
Maison Evensen & Caiti Hunting
Faculty Mentor: Shannon Barrios & Rachel Hayes-Harb
The Influence of Written Input on World Learning: Mandarin and Native English Speakers
Undergraduate Research Symposium 2020
Julia Vonessen
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
The Relationship Between Listener Attitudes and the Comprehension of Nonnative-Accented Speech
Undergraduate Research Symposium 2020

Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Beyond a Face: Replication of Rubin 1992
Undergraduate Research Fall Symposium 2020

Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Changing Sentiments - The Changing Nature of Reverse Linguistic Stereotyping
Undergraduate Research Fall Symposium 2020

Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Impacts of Non-Language Factors on Listening Comprension: A Replication of Rubin (1992)
Undergraduate Research Fall Symposium 2020

Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Undergraduate Research Fall Symposium 2020

Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Undergraduate Ethnocentrism: Replication of Rubin (1992)
Undergraduate Research Fall Symposium 2020

Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Racial biases affecting undergraduates' complrehension of instrectors, replication of Rubin (1992)
Undergraduate Research Fall Symposium 2020

Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Undergraduate Research Fall Symposium 2020

Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Effects of Instructor Ethnicity on Native English Speakers: Replication of Rubin (1992)
Undergraduate Research Fall Symposium 2020
Mckenzie Cowan, Lindsi Burr, Frances Hina Goldsmith
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Intelligibility, Comprehencibility, and Accentedness in L2 Speech
Undergraduate Research Symposium 2020
Maison Evensen & Caiti Hunting
Faculty Mentor: Shannon Barrios & Rachel Hayes-Harb
The Influence of Written Input on World Learning: Mandarin and Native English Speakers
Undergraduate Research Symposium 2020
Julia Vonessen
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
The Relationship Between Listener Attitudes and the Comprehension of Nonnative-Accented Speech
Undergraduate Research Symposium 2020

Julia Vonnessen
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
The relationship between listener attitudes and the comprehension of nonnative-accented speech
The Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching 2019 Conference.

Cailey Lloyd
Faculty Mentor: Shannon Barrios
The Role of Written Input in the Acquisition of a German-like Pattern of Final Devoicing by Native English Speakers: Evidence from a Listening Task
with Professors Barrios and Hayes-Harb at The Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching 2019 Conference.

Jackie Jolley
Faculty Mentor: Aaron Kaplan
Vowel Harmony in Abkhaz

Zane Bellows
Faculty Mentor: Scott Jarvis
Affixation in a McWorld

Austin Buttars
Faculty Mentor: Scott Jarvis
The Language of Consent

Billy Finlay
Faculty Mentor: Shannon Barrios
The online processing of phonological cohorts

Tyler Laws, Paul Olea, Amanda Goodner
Faculty Mentor: Edward Rubin
Variations in phonology across musical genres

Tyler Laws
Faculty Mentor: Mary Ann Christison
Differences in voice onset time in Spanish between first language, second language, and heritage speakers

Cailey Lloyd
Faculty Mentor: Shannon Barrios
The role of written input in the adult acquisition of L2 voicing alternations: Evidence from perception

Julia Vonessen
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
The impact of listener attitudes on the comprehension of nonnativeaccented speech

Maison Evensen
Faculty Mentor: Tanya Flores
Plosive Aspiration of Bilingual Children

Zane Bellows
Faculty Mentor: Edward Rubin
Bulgarian: Null Subject Classification
Nate Schwartz
Faculty Mentor: Edward Rubin
Inter-lingual errors among English and Japanese L2 learners
Maison Evenson and Caiti Hunting
UROP Scholar: The influence of written input on the acquisition of Mandarin word forms by native English speakers

Devon Hoxer, Austin Buttlars, and Stacie Chadwick
L2 Phrasal Verbs: Optimizing Testing to Inform Pedagogical Models

Zachary Earl, Mackenzie Kerr
The Stroop effect in kana and kanji scripts

Keaton Colledge, Alyssa Hawkins
An analysis of semantic shift in proto-indo-European congantes in Swedish and Greek

Billy Finlay, Julia Vonessen
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Acoustic features of vowels in clear and conversational speech: A partial replication of Ferguson and Quene (2014)

Derek Betker, Katrina Bocanegra, Maranda Mumm
Code Correction: Breaking the code

Greydon Benzmiller, Joseph Ciucci Liuzzi, Amber Robb
Foul Play: Gender, Perception, & Profanity in 21st Century America

David Petersen, Heidee Ward
Perceived Importance as a Factor in Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition

Lauren Brocious
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
L2 orthographic input and the three-way Korean consonant contrast

Alexander J. Cipro
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Effects of repeated evaluation on acceptability rating of sentences: A partial replication of Zervakis & Musaka (2012)

Ellie A. Kaiser
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
VOTs of Voiced and Voiceless Stops in Spanish and English: a Partial Replication of Fledge and Eefting.

Nate Schwartz
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Experiments on the Acceptability and Possible Readings of Questions Embedded Under Emotive-Factives: A Partial Replication of Cremers and Chemla (2012)

Joselyn Rodriguez
Faculty Mentor: Shannon Barrios
The role of lexical cues in the acquisition of L2 allophonic variants
National Conference on Undergraduate Research at the University of Central Oklahoma.

Luke Tuttle
Effects of Marked Intonation on a Restricted Scope Configuration
National Conference on Undergraduate Research.

Alex Cipro
Faculty Mentor: Aniko Csirmaz
Spatial interpretation of the prepositions 'in' and 'within'
Justin Cho, Sarah Johnson, Shelley Miao
Faculty Mentor: Edward Rubin
Frequently made student errors in adult ESL language acquisitions
Daniel Razo
Faculty Mentor: Benjamin Slade
Repetitives in Spanish, From Older Varieties to Modern Spanish

Jenica Jessen, Sara Ng, Joselyn Rodriguez, Eve Olson
Musical Evidence for Syllabification of Highly Moraic Structures in English
Undergraduate Research Symposium on April 4th
Eve Olson
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Voice Onset Time in Arabic and English Stop Consonants

Elizabeth Nakashima
Faculty Mentor: Johanna Watzinger-Tharp
Reclamation of Negative Speech in the LGBTQ+ Community

Eve Olson
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Voice Onset Time in Arabic and English Stop Consonants

Anna Deakins
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Benjamin Slade
A Syntactic and Semantic Account of Repetitives

Matthew Halverson
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Investigating Bilingual advantage in discrimination of non-native voicing/aspiration contrasts in Thai stops

Yuka Muratani
Faculty Mentor: Abby Kaplan
Transparadigmatic anti-homophony

Jeffrey Green
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
The influence of L1 and L2 on perceptual VOT boundaries in initial-stage L3

Jessica Larsen
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Native English speaker Perception of Arabic Emphatic Contrasts & the effects of Vowel Context

Robert Capps
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Determining effective ESL instruction strategies for pre-literate adults

Jamie Johnson
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Intelligibility of Bosnian-accented English speech

Zac Rasmussen
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
Arabic Learning Distribution Study
Linguistics Undergraduate Students Published in the Undergraduate Research Journal.
Jessica Loveland
Faculty Mentor: Mamiko Suzuki
Sociolinguistic differences between Japanese and English as seen through English translations of manga
Sara Palomino
Faculty Mentor: Fernando Rubio
Diglossia: The case of Quechua languages and Spanish
Nolan Williams
Faculty Mentor: Abby Kaplan
Modeling self-organized category formation and selective attention training for fricative perceptual cues

Jessica Loveland
Faculty Mentor: Mary Ann Christison
Learning Styles of Teachers and Students in a Secon Language Classroom

Eve Olson
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harbn
Voice Onset Time in Arabic and English Stop Consonants

Joselyn Rodriguez, Jenica Jessen, Sara Ng
Faculty Mentor: Abby Kaplan
Musical Evidence for Syllabification of Highly Moraic Structures in English

Maison Evensen
Faculty Mentor: Tanya Flores
Plosive Aspiration of Bilingual, Hard-of-Hearing Children

Tyler Watson Laws
Faculty Mentor: Dr. MaryAnn Christison
Voice Onset Time in Young Spanish-English Bilinguals

Cailey Lloyd
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Hayes-Harb
What in the Fetching Heck is a mMun[ɂə]n: Replication Study of Eddington & Savage (2012)
Research in the Community
Students can sometimes receive credit for research they are doing in linguistics outside of the University. Please talk with the Linguistics advisor to see if you are eligible to receive credit for research you are doing.
*Contact the Department of Linguistics if you have a research opportunity you would like added for linguistics students.
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