Faculty Research Publications
Proceedings of the LSA Annual Meeting
"Exploring Variation in English and Italian Relative Clause Attachment: The Role of Coordination"
Aniello De Santo
So Young Lee
Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics
"Online Learning of ITSL Grammars"
Aniello De Santo
Jacob Johnson
Society for Computation in Linguistics
"An MG Parsing View into the Processing of Subject and Object Relative Clauses in Basque"
Aniello De Santo
Et. al.
Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics
"Extending Finite-state Models of Reduplication to Tone in Thai"
Aniello De Santo
Casey Miller

Általános nyelvészeti tanulmányok
VOL 32
“Aspectual adverbials: High positions and other under-represented readings"
Aniko Csirmaz
Benjamin Slade
Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics
"Lexical Selection in Bolognese Clitic Allomorphy"
Edward Rubin
Aaron Kaplan

Journal of Second Language Pronunciation
VOL 8, Issue 3
"Whose Input Matters? The influence of socially- differentiated input sources in adult Lx phonetic learning"
Rachel Hayes-Harb
Shannon Barrios
VOL 52
"A computational view into the structure of attachment ambiguities in Chinese and Korean"Aniello De Santo
So Young Lee
Society for Computation in Linguistics
"Evaluating Structural Economy Claims in Relative Clause Attachment"
Aniello De Santo
So Young Lee
Expert Systems With Applications
"Evaluating time series encoding techniques for Predictive Maintenance"Aniello De Santo
Et. al.

Journal of Second Language Studies
VOL 4, Issue 1
“Conceptual meaning in Italian speaking learners’ expression of temporality in L2 English”
Scott Jarvis
Frontiers in Communication
Rachel Hayes-Harb
Shannon Barrios

Språkreiser: Festskrift til Anne Golden på 70-årsdagen 14. juli 2020 (pp. 23-46)
(Language journeys: A tribute to Anne Golden on her 70th birthday, July 14, 2020)
“Myths and mysteries of crosslinguistic influence”
Scott Jarvis