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Department of Linguistics faculty members contribute expertise to The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching




The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching has just been co-published by Wiley Blackwell and TESOL International. There are eight volumes in the set. Five Department of Linguistics faculty members have contributed their expertise to this important project. MaryAnn Christison was co-editor of the section of Volume III titled Teaching Speaking and Pronunciation (along with Christel Broady). Christison also authored three chapters in Volume III and one chapter in Volume VIII titled Assessment and Evaluation. Professors Shannon Barrios and Adrian Palmer also authored chapters in Volume III as did EAS faculty members Karen MarshSchaeffer and Melissa Mendelson. Congratulations to the Department of Linguistics!


In addition, many former graduate students from the Department of Linguistics also authored chapters to Volume III, including Maria Alexeeva, Sarah Braden (Utah State University), Jelena Colovic-Markovic (West Chester University of Pennslyvania), Daniel Dixon (UU Asia Campus), Tülay Dixon (UU Asia Campus), Rai Farrelly (St. Michael’s College), Mara Haslam (University of Stockholm), Jemina Keller, Tamrika Khvtisiashvili (Al Faisal University), Ellen Knell (Brigham Young University), Anna Krulatz (Trondheim University), Kristen Lindahl (University of Texas at San Antonio), Zuzana Tomaš (Eastern Michigan University), Alina Sarfargalina, and Jing Zhao. There are 65 chapters in the Teaching Speaking and Pronunciation section of Volume III. Information about the Encyclopedia is available online at, including how to sign up for access to the entire eight-volume set.




Last Updated: 5/4/21